Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sugar Gliders

     Great question to ask about the sugar glider's food.  They are omnivores, which mean that they eat both meat and plants.  Their absolute favorite is meal worms followed by wax worms.  They hold them in their hands and look like they are eating bananas.  They also eat oranges, apples, bread, and chicken.  There are some cereals that they enjoy too.  They have eaten Cheerios, Mini-Wheats, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  For a treat they love yogurt.  However, they can only have yogurt every couple of days.  I also have sugar glider food which looks quite a bit like bunny food.  (If you know what that looks like.)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the suger gliders #5

Anonymous said...

they were awsome #5

Anonymous said...

they were awsome #5

Anonymous said...

how are joey and zoey #12

Anonymous said...

